Client Events
The Boom SDK supports two types of events: action and analytics.
- action: This action type requires developers to handle the event
- analytics: No action required
Client-side emitted events have four key attributes: type, action, source, and message.
- type: Differentiates between mandatory events (action) and optional events (analytics).
- action: Provides key information about the event type.
- Possible values: close, auth-error, plaid_link_handoff, click, pageview
- source: Indicates the location.pathname where the event was called.
- message: Optional attribute providing additional information about the event (e.g., “Enrollment submitted”, error payload message, “Upsell clicked”, “Continue button clicked”).
type: action events are mandatory to handle in your app for the optimal user experience.
Description: The user clicked the “close icon” in the SDK. Boom SDK must be closed.
Auth error:
Description: Provided token failed authentication. Boom SDK must be closed. Message contains information on why authentication failed.
Plaid link handoff:
Description: User initiated Plaid link handoff. Boom SDK must be closed.
type: analytic events are optional.
Pageview Description: Indicates that the user is on a certain page. Page identifier is passed in source.
Click Description: User clicked an interactive element. Usually contains a message.
Possible messages:
- "Upsell clicked"
- "Continue button clicked"
- "Enrollment submitted"
Possible sources:
- /plaid-connect
- /hub
- /issues/upload-lease
- /rent_reporting/onboarding/:view
- :view could be one of:
- intro
- plaid
- confirm_personal_info
- confirm_lease_info
- property_manager_details
- check_out
- /rent_reporting-id
- /settings/linked-accounts
- /settings