Rent Reporting-as-a-Service
Software Development Kit

Plaid Processor Token Integration


Using the Plaid processor token allows Boom to get access to customer transactional data without having customers connect to Plaid within the Boom SDK.

Follow these 8 steps to integrate with Boom using the Plaid processor token:

  1. Create Boom customer
  2. Login through iframe by passing ?token=<auth_token>
  3. Receive plaid_link_handoff event. It will contain the source parameter. Close the SDK. You'll need it to reopen the SDK on the page where the user left off.
  4. Create a Plaid link token. Open Plaid in your app as usual.
  5. On success, call the plaid exchange token in your API
  6. In exchange endpoint, create plaidProcessorToken.
    1. Make sure you're using the latest version of Plaid. Otherwise processor: "boom" will not be registered in Plaid's enum
  7. Pass processor token to boom/partner/v1/customers/${boomCustomerId}/partner/plaid/link
  8. Open Boom SDK with source URL and token passed to get params