Tenant Screening: BoomScreen
Screening API



Screening concepts

Verification Template

Templates are a way to configure the application process. A template defines the set of verifications that will be included in an application. It sets the application cost for applicants and co-signers. It also allows to define a flexible decisioning criteria and automate some aspects of application processing. Templates can only be created, updated, and assigned to properties via the Boom partner platform (e.g., not programmatically).


Properties contains units and have an associated verification template. There are property level magic link to create a link for units available at a specific property.


A unit belongs to a property. Applicants are able to apply for specific units.

Magic Links

A magic link is a URL to share with your applicants. Links can be to apply for a specific unit, a property, or for your portfolio. Unit level link allows an applicant to apply for that specific unit. Property level link allows user to chose a unit within a specific property and apply for it. Portfolio level link allows applicants to apply fir any unit at any listed property.


Applications submitted by applicants will contain two types of data where applicable by local tenant screening laws: self-attested and consumer report data. Self-attested data is information that the applicant directly reports (e.g., "Do you have any vehicles"). Consumer report data includes credit report and score, criminal background report, housing history report, eviction report, and others. Reports generated for an application are determined by the settings you set in the verification template assigned to the property. Applcations with criteria also contain a decision recommendation based on if the application met your criteria.


1. In the Boom Partner Platform, generate an access key and a secret key.

2. Exchange your access key and secret key for an API token.


With API token you are fully authenticated to execute api calls again partner API


Integration example

Property creation

Once template is created, we create a property and associate template id with it


Unit creation

Property gets created with at least one unit defined. It is possible to add an additional unit to an existing property.


Handle Magic Links

Unit, property or portfolio level link can be fetched and shared with potential tenants. Links can be deactivated or activated any moment depends on the needs or availability


Process Applications

Once potential tenant submit an application, it is possible to fetch and find all reports and criteria based recommendation attached to it.


Make Decision

Once decision made it is submitted back to the system.


Updated 03 Dec 2024
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